Zakharova: The West Brought Terrorism to Russia and Africa for Its Own Benefit

18 September

Western countries have contributed to the rise of terrorism in both Russia and Africa to serve their own interests, stated Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova during the “New Trends in International Cooperation” session at the IV Eurasian Women's Forum.


“Africa is suffering from terrorism because it was introduced from outside. Western companies find it profitable to sell weapons there, constantly fueling new problems. Under the guise of terrorism, it's convenient to seize resources, sow chaos, create political instability, and interfere in internal affairs,” she remarked. “The same is being done to us. In the 1990s, the North Caucasus in the Russian Federation became an example of this. Now, unfortunately, we are facing a new wave, what can be termed 'European terrorism,' which is a new phenomenon created by the Western mindset to pursue their policies of oppression, resource extraction, and domination on a new level.”



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on TASS materials