Abbas Outlines Plan for Gaza Reconstruction and Refugee Return

12 August

In a recent interview with TASS, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas detailed the Palestinian government's comprehensive plan for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip and the return of refugees. Abbas shared this information on the eve of his visit to Moscow.


The president said, "As part of a comprehensive political solution, the Palestinian government, which is waiting for the opportunity to start performing its duties in the Gaza Strip, has presented a plan for the return of refugees, as well as a program for the reconstruction of the enclave. This includes the reopening of hospitals, schools, and facilities for electricity and water supply."


Abbas highlighted that for this full-scale reconstruction to take place, Israeli troops must withdraw from the Gaza Strip. He added, "The realization of a political solution based on international law is essential to achieving universal peace and security."



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Photo: Marius Arnesen/Creative Commons 3.0

Based on materials from TASS