China Calls for Early Settlement of Palestinian Issue

18 July

The Chinese authorities have emphasized the need for an early settlement of the Palestinian issue, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said during a briefing, where he commented on the Russian initiative regarding the issue.


"The Chinese side believes that in the current situation, promoting reconciliation and solidarity with Palestine will have a positive impact on the just cause of the Palestinian people, on the early comprehensive, fair, and long-term settlement of the Palestinian issue," Lin Jian stated in response to a TASS question about China's assessment of Russia's initiative, which Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov highlighted earlier during a UN Security Council meeting on the Middle East situation.

According to Lin Jian, Beijing consistently supports efforts to ensure unity among all Palestinian factions. "China will continue to make active efforts for this purpose," he concluded.


Earlier, during the UN Security Council meeting, Lavrov reiterated the importance of the Russian initiative involving all external players with influence over Palestinian factions. In March and April, representatives held talks in Moscow and Beijing aimed at bridging the existing rift among Palestinian groups. Although these meetings have not yet yielded significant results, China invited various Palestinian factions for consultations in Beijing on July 21 and 22, as reported by Hamas politburo member Husam Badran.



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Photo: Arthur Wang/Unsplash

Based on materials from TASS