China Deems Double Standards in Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Unacceptable

10 November 2023

China has actively engaged with all parties involved in the Middle East conflict, strongly advocating against the use of double standards concerning the lives of both Palestinians and Israelis. Zhai Jun, China's Special Envoy on the Middle Eastern Issue, emphasized this stance during a Paris conference addressing the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip on Thursday.


"The importance of both Palestinian and Israeli lives is unequivocal. There should be no disparity in recognizing their significance," - stated a representative from the Chinese Foreign Ministry on November 10 - As the conflict has intensified, China has diligently engaged with involved parties, striving to de-escalate tensions. In addition, China has extended substantial aid to the Gaza Strip, delivering essential provisions such as food, medicine, and other critical materials as emergency humanitarian support."


The special envoy emphasized Beijing's strong condemnation of all actions that endanger civilians and breach international law. The People's Republic of China (PRC) is urging for an immediate ceasefire to prevent any further escalation and worsening of the situation in the region, as stated by Zhai Jun.


He emphasized the need of using all possible measures to safeguard civilians and establish humanitarian corridors. "It's crucial for the international community to escalate diplomatic efforts in order to redirect the crisis towards a political resolution," he said.


Regarding the Middle East matter, China advocates for a two-state solution, endorsing the creation of an independent Palestinian state with complete sovereignty based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.



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Photo: Arthur Wang/Unsplash

Based on materials from TASS