Commonwealth of Independent States Foreign Ministers agreed to coordinate protection of UN Charter

05 April 2019

A regular meeting of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers was held today in Moscow. One of the outcomes of the discussion was the agreement of the Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth on coordination of actions in the protection of the norms and principles of the UN Charter, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.



Following the meeting, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted that international law has been «eroded» in recent years, and «depending on political expediency, interference is being made in the internal affairs of sovereign states, and increasingly, methods of ultimatums and dictate are being used».



«Our common opinion was the necessity to coordinate our actions more closely, both among the CIS countries and with other states, as regards the protection of the norms and principles of the Charter of the United Nations», he said, in particular.



It is noted that the next meeting of the Council of CIS Foreign Ministers will be held on October 10th in Ashgabat (Turkmenistan).