Diplomats Refuse to Sit Next to Israeli Representative at UN Security Council

01 August

At an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council convened in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, diplomats from Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria refused to sit next to their Israeli counterpart. This was reported by a TASS correspondent.


During the meeting, Israel's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Jonathan Miller, was seated alone at the round table, with the seat next to him remaining empty throughout the event. On the other side of the table, Iranian Permanent Representative Amir Saeed Iravani and Palestinian Deputy Permanent Observer Feda Abdelhady occupied the two outermost seats. Representatives from Iran, Iraq, and Syria shared the third seat next to them.


The meeting, which lasted over two hours, was conducted with statements only, and no substantive discussions took place.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS