Foreign Minister of Eastern Libyan Government May Visit Russia

17 October

The Foreign Minister of Libya's eastern government, Abdul-Hadi Al-Hawaij, may visit Russia at a convenient time for discussions, Russian Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told TASS.


“We have [close] contacts with the Foreign Minister [of the eastern Libyan government],” Bogdanov noted. “We regularly exchange views on the situation in Libya and its surrounding region. He has visited Russia many times. We are always in communication, and I’ve told him, ‘Come whenever you like; I’d be glad to discuss the developments.’”


While Bogdanov did not specify any exact dates for the possible meeting, he chose not to refer to it as an official visit. "I wouldn’t call it a visit, as our relations with them [the government in eastern Libya] are informal," he explained. "We have an ambassador in Tripoli, of course, representing Russia throughout Libya. So, we maintain contact with everyone. But the internationally recognized government is in the west, and the eastern government is more of a parallel authority, though it holds control on the ground, as they say."


Bogdanov also mentioned his long-standing personal relationship with the eastern Libyan Foreign Minister, which dates back many years. "I’ve known him for a very long time, even before Libya's division," he said. "We never forget our old friends, no matter how circumstances change because personal relationships are significant, especially when they are sincere, positive, and constructive. That’s why I always extend an invitation to him."



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Photo: Federation Council

Based on TASS materials