Hamas Urges the Arab World to Adopt a Firm Stance in Response to the Situation in Gaza

24 October 2023

One of the leaders of the Palestinian movement Hamas has called upon the Arab world to adopt a firm stance in response to the increasing number of casualties in the Gaza Strip. This was reported by CNN, citing Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas' political bureau.


"How much bloodshed and atrocities must one witness before taking a stand against this horrifying killings of innocent children, women, men, elderly in Gaza?" he questioned. The Hamas spokesman further contended that the West's pro-Israel stance has created an enduring divide between Western nations and the Arab and Muslim communities, one that may never be bridged.


Haniyeh added that "Israel will never be secure until the Palestinians can experience security, freedom, and sovereignty."



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Photo: Marius Arnesen/Creative Commons 3.0

Based on materials from TASS