Hamas Views US UNSC Veto as Confirmation of Washington's Anti-Palestinian Stance

19 April 2024

The Palestinian movement Hamas asserts that the United States' veto in the UN Security Council, which blocked the adoption of a resolution recognizing Palestine as a full member of the global organization, reaffirms Washington's anti-Palestinian stance and unwavering support for Israeli authorities' actions.


In a statement posted on Hamas's Telegram channel, the movement condemned the US veto, emphasizing that it underscores America's opposition to Palestinian self-determination and the establishment of their own state. Hamas accused the US of fully endorsing the Israeli occupation and its efforts to undermine the Palestinian cause.


Hamas strongly denounced the "biased position" of the US within the UN Security Council and urged the international community to resist Washington's pressure, advocating instead for support of the Palestinian people's struggle and their legitimate right to establish an independent state.


The movement expressed gratitude to countries that supported the resolution and praised their positions.


On Thursday, the United States utilized its veto authority in the UN Security Council to block a draft resolution put forth by Algeria, which sought to admit Palestine as a full member of the global organization. While twelve members of the Security Council, including Russia and China, voted in favor of the resolution recommending Palestine's admission, Switzerland and Britain abstained.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS