Iran Seeks to Revive Nuclear Deal

18 July

Tehran remains committed to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding its nuclear program and aims to see the agreement renewed. Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani emphasized this in an interview with CNN, as published on the Iranian Foreign Ministry's website.


"We have an agreement concluded in 2015; the US withdrew from it, damaging the agreements. We are still participating in the JCPOA. The US has not yet been able to return to compliance with the JCPOA, so the goal we are pursuing is to resuscitate the 2015 document. We are not seeking to conclude a new treaty," Kani stated in response to a question about the progress of consultations on the nuclear deal and the possibility of moving to new agreements to replace the JCPOA.


In a July 16 interview with Newsweek, Bagheri Kani reiterated that Washington should take the next step to improve bilateral relations and renew the nuclear deal.


The JCPOA was signed in 2015 by the permanent P5+1 members of the UN Security Council and Germany with Iran to address concerns over its nuclear development. In 2018, US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the deal. Current US President Joe Biden has repeatedly indicated his willingness to bring Washington back into the agreement. Since April 2021, Russia, Britain, China, France, Germany, and the United States have been negotiating with Iran in Vienna to restore the JCPOA to its original form. However, after several rounds of talks, negotiations ended inconclusively in November 2022.



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Photo: TC Perch/Pixabay

Based on materials from TASS