Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Compares Israeli Prison to Guantanamo

13 May


Naser Kanaani, the official spokesperson for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, compared the facility for Palestinian prisoners at the Israeli military base in the Negev Desert to the American prisons of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.


“Human rights for Americans and Zionists (Israelis - ed. TASS) are two sides of the same coin. One is in the Negev, and the other is in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib,” he wrote on his X page (formerly Twitter), commenting on the findings of an investigation by the American TV channel CNN about the torture of Palestinians in Israel.


On May 10, CNN published an investigation into the conditions of Palestinian detainees in the camp in the Negev Desert. According to its claims, the detainees are subjected to torture, forbidden to move or talk to each other, and their eyes are constantly covered with blindfolds. As noted by a CNN source, guards were instructed to "pick out troublemakers and punish them".


The Guantanamo prison was established in 2002 under US President George W. Bush. The camp housed individuals captured during operations in Afghanistan and other anti-terror raids. The prisoners there are effectively in a legal vacuum. Barack Obama, who succeeded Bush in 2009 as US president, signed an executive order to close the detention center within 12 months. However, the Guantanamo camp still exists, drawing sharp criticism from Washington by human rights activists. Abu Ghraib is a prison in Iraq, which turned into a place of torture and violence against individuals accused of crimes against the Western coalition forces after the American invasion.



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Photo: Ichigo121212/Pixabay

Based on materials from TASS