Ships of Caspian Flotilla put to sea to cross to Iran

13 August 2021


Crews of small artillery ships Makhachkala and Astrakhan of the Caspian Flotilla have started the transition to the port of Bandar-Enzeli to participate in the Sea Cup competition, the press service of the Southern Military District told reporters on Friday. 


"Crews of small artillery ships Makhachkala and Astrakhan of the Caspian Flotilla have left their basing point in the Republic of Dagestan and are making the transition to the port of Bender-Enzeli (Iran) to participate in the Sea Cup competition of the 2021 Army International Games," the message said. 


The press service specified that the Caspian Flotilla will be represented at the contest by the Makhachkala, and the Astrakhan, in turn, will be at the contest as a reserve ship. 


Naval sailors will compete with crews of ships from other participating countries in several disciplines. The crew of the Russian ship will perform live firing from artillery units at a floating mine, a simulated surface ship target and an air target. Crews of ships of up to 1,000 tons displacement will also compete in the use of weapons, struggle for ship's survivability, sea training and rescue training. 


The Sea Cup naval training competition among the crews of surface ships of the participating countries will be held from August 25 to September 4 at the Iranian naval base.




GSV ''Russsia - Islamic World"

Photo: Creative Commons

Based on materials of TASS