Kyrgyz Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advises Citizens to Avoid Travel to Israel and Lebanon

25 June

The authorities of Kyrgyzstan have advised their citizens to avoid traveling to Lebanon and Israel, an announcement posted on the official website of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Foreign Affairs reads.


"Due to the escalating situation at the Israel-Lebanon border, the ministry advises citizens of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to refrain from traveling to these countries," the statement reads.


The Ministry also urged Kyrgyz citizens currently in Israel and Lebanon to "enhance their personal safety measures until the situation stabilizes."


The ministry reminded that emergency hotlines at the Kyrgyz embassies in Kuwait and Turkey are operational. Kyrgyz citizens can use these hotlines to seek assistance or consultation if necessary.



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Photo: Nikolay Bulykin/Creative Commons 4.0

Based on materials from TASS