Lavrov says EU and NATO are forming a modern coalition for war with Russia

24 June 2022

The European Union (EU) together with NATO are forming a coalition to fight Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said this on Friday at a press conference following the talks with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov.

"When the Second World War began, Hitler gathered a large part, if not most, of the European countries under his banner for the war against the Soviet Union," he said. -Now the same way, including the EU and NATO, are putting together the same modern coalition to fight, and by and large, to wage war against the Russian Federation. We will look at all this very carefully".

Creating a common space

The EU's political line confirms its unwillingness to seek a common space from the Atlantic to the Pacific and to honor agreements with Russia on the development of common spaces in the humanitarian, economic and security spheres, Lavrov said.

"The UN proves that it does not want any unification tendencies in Europe, that it does not and will not implement the existing agreements between the Russian Federation and the EU countries concerning the development of common spaces in the economy, in the humanitarian sphere, in the sphere of internal security. And it does not want to fulfill those tasks that were formulated in line with the lofty goals of creating common space from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. All this is behind us, all this is in the past," he said.



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Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS