Lavrov: strengthening cooperation between Russia and Africa will play an important role in world affairs

08 July 2020

Further development of the partnership between Russia and Africa will be of great importance on the global and regional agenda, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday, opening talks with the Foreign Ministers of the "Troika" of the African Union (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, South Africa), which was held as a video-conference.

Lavrov recalled that the Russia - Africa summit held in October last year confirmed the intention to continue close cooperation in the interests of developing partnership in all areas and in the interests of preventing conflicts in Africa on the basis of the principle "African problems - African solution".

"We are convinced that further strengthening of our partnership in all areas in accordance with the Sochi Declaration will play an important stabilizing role in world and regional affairs," he stressed.

The Russia-Africa Summit was held on October 23-24, 2019, under the co-chairmanship of the presidents of the Russian Federation and Egypt. It was attended by representatives of all 54 countries of the continent, 43 of them were represented at the highest level. The event was also attended by eight major African integration associations and organizations.


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Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS