Lavrov urged to take CIS security to a new level amid current challenges

08 December 2021

Work on ensuring the security of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) needs to be brought to a new level against the aggravation of the situation in Afghanistan, increase of military and biological activity of Western countries in the post-Soviet space and other challenges. The statement was made in a video address by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the CIS 30th anniversary, which was posted on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday.

According to the Russian Foreign Minister, against the background of international instability and increasing tensions on the CIS external borders, "issues of ensuring security in all dimensions and combating transnational crime and drug trafficking" should remain the focus of constant attention of the Commonwealth members".

"The aggravation of the situation in Afghanistan, the increase of the military and biological activity of western countries in the post-Soviet area and other challenges dictate the need to raise this work to a new level both within the Commonwealth and through the integration of its efforts with the CSTO, SCO and other interstate organizations in Eurasia," he emphasized.

Lavrov pointed out that each year "the range of practical activities of the CIS is expanding, and new areas of mutually beneficial cooperation are being developed". Amid the pandemic, members of the Commonwealth promptly organized work to counter the spread of the coronavirus and exchange information, and established a dialogue on overcoming the socio-economic consequences of the epidemic. In 2021, the parties also adopted joint documents on ensuring biological security, on developing cooperation in the area of migration, and on strengthening international law.

"It is important to continue such useful practices," said the minister. - "Environmental issues, climate change and "greening" of the economy are in our field of vision. It is important that changing the energy balance contributes to sustainable socio-economic development of the Commonwealth countries and the consolidation of their energy security. On the international arena we oppose politicization of climate problems and attempts to use them as an instrument of unfair competition".

The head of the diplomatic mission stressed that the Russian side cherishes "the continued support of the Commonwealth countries in the fight against the glorification of Nazism and the falsification of history". "By joint efforts we defend the truth about the Great Patriotic War, for the victory of which our fathers and grandfathers paid a huge price. We will continue to pay the closest attention to this topic," he pointed out.

Lavrov also touched upon the prospects for further development of humanitarian cooperation in the CIS. "The program 'Cultural Capitals of the Commonwealth' is being implemented, activities under the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation are underway," he continued. - "Declaring 2023 the year of the Russian language as the language of international communication in the CIS will undoubtedly contribute to further strengthening of its position in the Commonwealth states," he added.

The Minister assured his partners in the Commonwealth that for Russia "building friendly, equal and truly partnership relations" within the CIS remains "an absolute foreign policy priority". "The past year has been productive. Meetings of all the statutory bodies of the Commonwealth were held, including meetings of the heads of states and governments. Important decisions have been taken on further deepening of interaction. It is in many ways the merit of our Belarusian friends, who are now presiding in the organization," he added. - "I am confident that the dynamics of contacts will remain at the same high level during Kazakhstan's chairmanship next year."



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS