Media: High Probability of Assad-Erdogan Meeting in Moscow

27 August

The Turkish TV channel A haber reports that the likelihood of a meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Moscow is high, according to sources familiar with ongoing diplomatic discussions between Ankara and Damascus.


These sources indicate that Russia is currently the top contender to host such a summit, which would mark a significant step in the normalization of relations between Turkey and Syria. The channel also notes that there are growing hopes for productive dialogue, with al-Assad reportedly softening his stance on the need for high-level talks concerning the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syria.


Okan Muderrisoglu, a columnist for the pro-government Turkish newspaper Sabah and head of its bureau in Ankara, commented on the prospects for normalization. He suggested that senior diplomats and intelligence chiefs from both countries might soon engage in preliminary contacts. The potential roadmap these officials are expected to prepare could include framework agreements on normalization and possibly pave the way for a future meeting between Erdogan and al-Assad.



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Based on materials from TASS