Media: Pakistan to Ask China to Urge Afghanistan to Intensify Anti-Terrorism Efforts

24 June

Pakistan plans to seek China's assistance in persuading the Afghan Taliban to step up their fight against terrorism and cease support for the radical group Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), according to the Daily Pakistan, citing informed sources.


"China evidently has more leverage over the Taliban (banned in Russia) than Pakistan does. Beijing is invested in ensuring Pakistan's security because the rise in terrorist attacks, including those targeting Chinese citizens, hampers Chinese investments in the Islamic republic and undermines investor confidence in Pakistani authorities," the sources told the publication.


The increased concern from China regarding the security situation was a key factor prompting Pakistan to launch a new anti-terrorism campaign named "Azm-e-Istehkam" aimed at eradicating terrorism and extremism.


On June 22, the Central Committee for the Implementation of the National Action Plan against Terrorism approved the "Azm-e-Istehkam" strategy for national security, which includes expanding efforts to combat terrorism both domestically and externally from Afghanistan. This strategy, which also incorporates diplomatic efforts, is Pakistan’s response to the 83% increase in terrorist attacks in the country since the start of 2024. Last week, a Pakistani representative at the UN Security Council stated that "eradicating terrorism inside and outside Afghanistan remains a top priority for the international community, Afghanistan’s neighbors, and Afghanistan itself."


Relations between Islamabad and Kabul have essentially frozen due to Afghanistan’s refusal to stop supporting the TTP, a group based within its territory responsible for organizing terrorist attacks in Pakistan. The TTP aims to establish an "Islamic system" in Pakistan and has been under UN sanctions since 2011 as an organization affiliated with al-Qaeda (banned in Russia). Estimates suggest the TTP has up to 50,000 militants.



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Photo: Burhan Ahmad/Unsplash

Based on materials from TASS