Minnikhanov: Islam-Christian dialogue in Russia received international recognition

27 August 2019

Strengthening of the Islamic-Christian dialogue in Russia, a significant contribution to which was made by the head of the Russian Muftis Council and the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation Ravil Gaynutdin has received international recognition, reads the message on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Ravil Gaynutdin sent by the President of Tatarstan, the head of the Group of strategic vision "Russia-Islamic world" Rustam Minnikhanov.



"Through your tireless work at the head of the Russian Muftis Council and the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, you for many years have been making an invaluable contribution to the development of the Muslim Ummah of our country, to the strengthening of trusting relations between religions and fruitful state-confessional cooperation", says the head of the Republic.



According to Minnikhanov, "peacekeeping activities and constructive steps to strengthen the Islamic-Christian dialogue have received not only all-Russian but also international recognition," what deserves special respect.



"By fully promoting the revival of the glorious traditions of the national Muslim theology, speaking in defense of genuine spiritual values, you bring Muslims together under the protection of God in the pursuit of faith, unity and spiritual perfection. I am sure that you will continue your service in the same wise and responsible manner for the benefit of the multi-million Ummah of Russia and all our great Power", -  Minnikhanov says.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: официальный сайт Президента РТ