Minnikhanov: The Modern World is Characterized by Turbulent and Contradictory Trends

16 May

Rustam Minnikhanov, Rais of Tatarstan, delivered remarks at the plenary session of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World," currently underway as part of the XV International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum-2024," highlighting the turbulent and contradictory trends prevalent in the contemporary global landscape.


"In today's world, we witness diverse expectations regarding the 'new world order' between the collective West and the non-Western world. Real multipolarity is emerging while globalization yields to regionalization. Many ponder on how to navigate through this crisis and contemplate the roles of the Russian Federation and the Islamic world as leading poles of multipolarity in the new global paradigm. How can Russia and Muslim countries collaborate for constructive development, peace, security, friendship, and cooperation?" queried Minnikhanov.


"The Group of Strategic Vision 'Russia - Islamic World' aims to address these inquiries at its level. Next year marks 20 years since Russia became an observer in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, coinciding with the Organization's 55th anniversary this year. I extend my congratulations to the OIC leadership and its member states on this significant milestone, wishing them continued success in serving all nations and peoples. Recently, at the 15th Summit of Heads of State and Government of OIC Member States in The Gambia, I led the Russian delegation upon the request of our leadership. The summit, held every three years, centered on the theme: 'Strengthening Unity and Solidarity through Dialogue for Sustainable Development.' During the sidelines of the summit, I engaged in discussions with several Muslim state leaders, exploring Russia's cooperation with the Islamic world, including our Group's activities. Our positions often align closely. Summit participants expressed keen interest in collaborating with the Russian Federation, underscoring the significance of unity, solidarity, and dialogue in addressing global challenges and maintaining security and stability. Leading international organizations, including the BRICS association, play pivotal roles in this endeavor. Since January of this year, five additional states, including Muslim countries such as Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, have joined BRICS. In 2024, as Russia chairs BRICS, over two hundred related events are planned, including about 20 significant meetings in Tatarstan, comprising the BRICS Summit of Heads of State, as well as BRICS Plus and BRICS Outreach format meetings," elaborated Rustam Minnikhanov.


Continuing, Minnikhanov addressed ongoing global crises:


"Presently, the Ukrainian crisis continues to exert profoundly negative impacts on global security and the world economy. Escalating tensions in Palestine and between Iran and Israel reverberate globally. The bloodshed in the Gaza Strip and the loss of civilian lives evoke deep concern among Muslims worldwide. In Russia, including Tatarstan, efforts are underway to provide humanitarian aid. I express gratitude to the people of Tatarstan for their responsiveness. We echo our country's President, Vladimir Putin's stance on the urgent need for a ceasefire and the resumption of political negotiations, envisioning the establishment of the State of Palestine with UN membership," emphasized Minnikhanov.

Highlighting terrorism as a pressing contemporary challenge, Minnikhanov emphasized the need to combat its various manifestations:


"Terrorism, in all its forms, poses a significant threat. The heinous terrorist attack in the Moscow region earlier this year underscored its brutality. One of its aims is to sow interreligious and interethnic discord, attempting to cloak itself behind our religion while perpetuating the 'Muslim-terrorist' stereotype. It is imperative to decisively counter this destructive ideology, showcasing the peaceful and constructive nature of Islam. Today's global dynamics encompass not only political, economic, and military-strategic spheres but also cultural, moral, and spiritual dimensions," Minnikhanov asserted.


Against the backdrop of unprecedented global security threats, Minnikhanov critiqued attempts by the collective West to supersede international law with self-serving "rules":

"Regrettably, the collective West seeks to supplant international law with a system of 'rules' skewed to its interests. To counter this, the planet's healthy forces must champion a model of a fair and multipolar world order. New fault lines emerge not solely from military-political confrontations or economic rivalries but also from incongruent moral and cultural orientations. These orientations are intrinsically tied to security, encompassing the preservation and advancement of cultural and moral values, foundational to citizens' ways of life. In this vein, Russia and the Islamic world possess vast cooperative potential," asserted Minnikhanov.

Concluding his remarks, Minnikhanov underscored the common ground shared by Orthodoxy and Islam regarding key moral values:

"Orthodoxy and Islam align or closely relate on fundamental moral values, encompassing human rights and family principles. I am confident that the positive synergy and partnership between Russia and the Islamic world will significantly contribute to fostering secure development within a fair and multipolar world order," concluded Rustam Minnikhanov.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of  the Rais RT