Moscow and Cairo hold talks to send Egypt's first astronaut to the ISS

12 November 2019

Moscow and Cairo are holding talks about the possibility to send the first Egyptian astronaut into the orbit, the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin announced at the conference "Days of space in Kazakhstan".

The question of sending Egypt's first austronaut on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft, according to him, was considered in 2001.

"At the moment we are negotiating with other potential participants of this project. Among them is Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia", Rogozin said.

In September, the first astronaut from the UAE Hazzaa al-Mansouri went to the ISS on the Soyuz spacecraft.

Earlier, Roscosmos and the Saudi Space Agency signed an agreement providing for the possibility of sending the first Saudi cosmonaut to the ISS.


GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: официальный сайт Президента РФ