Moscow Expresses Gratitude to Damascus for Support on Ukraine

19 July

Russia and Syria remain steadfast allies, and Moscow is grateful to Damascus for its principled support regarding the situation in Ukraine,  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the opening of a photo exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of Russian-Syrian diplomatic relations at the Russian Foreign Ministry.


"We appreciate Damascus' principled support of the special military operation in defense of Russian people, Russian language, and culture. The operation has given a powerful impetus to strengthening the polycentric foundations of international life," Lavrov stated. He also noted that both Russia and Syria believe the West's attempts to impose a unipolar dictatorship on the international community are destined to fail.


Lavrov emphasized that Russia will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy, strengthening ties with nations willing to work based on principles of equality and mutual respect, highlighting Syria as a reliable and time-tested ally.


Syrian Ambassador to Moscow Bashar Jaafari underscored the close cooperation between the two nations in various fields. "More than 100 agreements, protocols, and memorandums of understanding have been signed over the past 30 years. The strong political ties between Syria and the Russian Federation were cemented by the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation on October 8, 1980," he noted. Jaafari also highlighted the significant role of Russian companies in oil and gas exploration and production projects, as well as the extensive cooperation between Russian universities and the training of Syrian specialists.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Federation Council

Based on TASS materials