Muslims in the regions of the Russian Federation are advised not to attend mass events during the celebration of Eid al-Adha, according to a statement from the Council of Ulema of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (SAMR), published on the organization's website.
Eid al-Adha (in Arabic) or Kurban-Bairam (in Turkic) is one of the main Muslim holidays. It is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah of the Islamic lunar calendar and lasts for three days. Every year, the date of the holiday changes, in 2020, Eid al-Adha begins on July 31.
The SAMR noted that, as a rule, believers on Eid al-Adha perform a sacrifice – "the slaughter of an animal for the pleasure of Allah, which is performed in memory of the sacrifice of our father Ibrahim", a festive prayer, visit cemeteries, invite guests home, treat relatives and distribute alms.
"In regions with an acute epidemiological situation, it is strongly recommended to refrain from attending mass events with festive namaz. Imams should conduct informational work with Muslims explaining the importance of performing nafil-namaz and additional prayers at home, as well as organizing treats at the festive table with the family," the message reads.
In Moscow, restrictions remain on holding mass events, so festive prayer in the capital will only be held in the premises of mosques and prayer houses "and other objects of mufti's structural divisions with permission for religious activities."
Also in the Council of Ulema paid attention to the order of slaughtering (sacrifice).
"Due to the exception of transportation (running) of live sacrificial animals, their physical purchase and sale and slaughter in the city limits, according to the current legislation and the decision of Muslim religious organizations, is not allowed. Since Eid al-Adha teaches kindness and compassion, it is very important for believers that the animal suffers as little as possible before death," the SAMR explained.
The sacrifice itself can be performed during the period "from the end of the festive prayer on the day of the sacrifice until sunset on the last day of at-Tashrik". Otherwise, the sacrifice will be invalid as Kurban and "will have the status of ordinary meat allowed to be eaten".
The organization also recalled that Islam prescribes to eat sacrificial meat not only yourself, but also "to give to people and distribute as alms."
"The sacrifice in Eid al-Adha is worship that Muslims perform with the help of their property, which allows them to show their generosity, good morals and piety through donations," the Ulema Council concluded.
GSV "Russia - Islamic World"
Photo: Egor Aleev / TASS
Based on materials from RIA Novosti