Palestinian Foreign Ministry Welcomes Decisions of International Court of Justice on Gaza

26 January

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has expressed support for the decisions of the United Nations International Court of Justice regarding the actions of the Israeli authorities in the Gaza Strip. The ministry believes these decisions align with the principles of international law and humanism.


"The International Court of Justice ruled in favor of humanity and international law," the Palestinian Foreign Ministry stated in a quote broadcast by Al Hadath TV channel. The ministry welcomed the "precautionary measures ordered by international justice."


Earlier, the UN International Court of Justice ruled that Israel must take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in the Gaza Strip. This was announced by the court's president, Joan Donoghue, during the decision on South Africa's lawsuit against Israel for possible violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.



Donoghue stated that after reviewing the submitted documents, the court concluded that "the Palestinians are a group that falls under the protection of the genocide convention."


The Palestinian Foreign Ministry's statement emphasized that the court's decision in The Hague serves as a crucial reminder that no state is above the law.



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Photo: Racool_studio/Freepik

Based on materials from TASS