Putin: Honoring Great Patriotic War Heroes a Shared Duty for CIS Nations

07 November 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared it a shared responsibility of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to honor the immortal heroism of those who fought in the Great Patriotic War, ensuring their legacy is passed on to future generations.

In a statement delivered by Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu to participants of the 12th meeting of the CIS Security Council Secretaries in Moscow, Putin emphasized the significance of the upcoming 80th anniversary of the Allied victory in the Great Patriotic War. “Honoring the immortal feat of our fathers and grandfathers, preserving the memory of the courage and heroism of soldiers and home front workers for future generations, and safeguarding the traditional spiritual and moral values that have helped our nations overcome any challenges throughout history – these are our shared duties,” the statement read. “These values continue to serve as a reliable foundation for our friendship and good neighborliness.”

President Putin further expressed his confidence that the Moscow meeting would be productive and that its outcomes would contribute to strengthening the security of CIS member states.



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Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS