Putin noted the contribution of the Russian Mufti Council to strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony

27 August 2019

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated the head of the Russian Muftis Council and the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation,  a member of the Group of strategic vision "Russia – Islamic world"  Ravil Gaynutdin on his 60th anniversary.



The congratulatory message says: 

"By your fruitful activity, significant contribution to the development of the multifaceted life of the Muslim community of Russia, to strengthening the traditions of Islamic theology, and education, you have gained a high, unquestionable authority. And, of course, your efforts aimed at strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony in society, improving the constructive dialogue between Muslim organizations and public authorities deserve the most sincere gratitude."



Russian president wished Ravil Gaynutdin "best of health and success in future endeavors".



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: официальный сайт Президента РФ