Putin: Those Who Calmly Watch Images from Gaza Have a Heart of Stone

03 November 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his concern and empathy for the situation in Gaza during a meeting with the new composition of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. He remarked that people who calmly watch the events in Gaza must have hearts of stone.


"It's easy to ignite a spark, very easy! Especially considering the ongoing horrors there in Gaza," Putin expressed. "As I mentioned during the Security Council meeting with my colleagues, when you witness the suffering and bloodied children, your fists clench, and tears well up in your eyes," he stated. "This, in my opinion, is the response of any compassionate individual. If there's no such reaction, then that person's heart must be as cold as stone!" Putin emphasized.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS