Representatives of traditional confessions in Russia supported the mention of God in the Constitution

28 February 2020

A joint meeting of the Inter-religious Council of Russia and the Christian Interconfessional Advisory Committee was held in Moscow today.

According to Interfax, the head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion, Supreme Mufti of the Central Religious Board of Muslims of Russia Talgat Tajuddin, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar, representative of the Buddhist traditional Sangha Andrey Balzhirov, and others took part in its work.

Leaders and representatives of Russia's leading religious organizations expressed support for the idea of mentioning God in the country's Basic law.

"By maintaining peace in a multicultural and multireligious country we support the proposal to mention God in the text of the amended Constitution and see it as strengthening the value of religious belief for the peoples of our country, historically and culturally associated with the presented religions, and spiritual continuity in relation to our ancestors", the message reads.


GSV "Russia - Islamic World"