Russia and US intend to conduct a permanent dialogue on Middle East settlement

15 April 2021


Russian Foreign Minister's Special Representative for the Middle East Settlement (MIS) Vladimir Safronkov and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hadi Amr indicated on Wednesday during a telephone conversation the intention of Moscow and Washington to continue a permanent dialogue on the subject of the MIS.

"It was agreed to remain in constant contact and to continue discussing a set of the MIS issues at the next meeting of the special representatives of the Quartet participants - Russia, the United States, the UN and the EU - in late April," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Russian side reiterated its position in favor of convening the Middle East Quartet of international mediators at the ministerial level and establishing active cooperation of the Quartet with the Arab League and its members that have official relations with Israel, the Foreign Ministry said. "The main objective is to establish direct Palestinian-Israeli negotiations in order to achieve a sustainable settlement based on the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the principle of 'two states' - Palestine and Israel - coexisting in peace and security," Smolensk Square stressed.

In reviewing the unfolding situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the parties emphasized the importance of helping the Palestinian population overcome the pandemic.



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Based on materials from TASS