Russia has helped Syrian officers injured in the fights against terrorists

02 July 2019


Russian military gave 17 wheelchairs to reserve officers of the Syrian Armed Forces in Aleppo. Syrian soldiers were injured during the fighting against terrorists and now cannot move by themselves. "The contribution to the hospital by our colleagues and friends is huge", said Faiz Ayyubi, the head of the military hospital of Aleppo to RIA Novosti. 




Currently, there are not as many severely injured as it was during the active fighting in Aleppo. Those days surgery rooms were used all day, now - a few hours a day.




"We defended our hometown. I was shot by an anti-tank rocket launcher", says Ali Taha, the reserve captain. - I am lucky to be alive but a leg and a finger on a hand were amputated". Surgeons remove a piece of a shell from the leg of lieutenant colonel wounded in the battles of Aleppo. Moreover, surgery is with a local anesthetic. Colleagues from Armenia help specialists of the local hospital to see patients. An epidemiologist, surgeons and laboratory specialists came to Syria. The military is accepted for free.




"The interaction is very good. We help out the best we can, - said Aram Muradyan, the surgeon from Armenia. - We spend here every day, from morning to noon. There are a lot of patients who need help. Since we have arrived, we help with everything we can".



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"