Russian Foreign Ministry says draft memorandum on commitments to join SCO given to Iran

24 December 2021

A draft memorandum on commitments for obtaining the status of a Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member state has been handed over to Iran. This was reported to TASS on Thursday by Bahtiyer Khakimov, the Russian President's Special Representative for SCO Affairs and Ambassador-at-Large for the Foreign Ministry.

"The process began on September 17 of this year with the decision to start the procedure for Iran's admission to the SCO. And the next step has already been taken - the draft memorandum on Iran's obligations to obtain membership status has been handed over to the Iranian side," he said.

According to him, the key point in this memorandum is Iran's commitment to join the two packages of documents. Hakimov specified that the first package includes priority documents requiring ratification.

On September 17, participants of the SCO summit, held in Dushanbe, signed a document on cooperation, which envisages the beginning of the process of Iran's admission into the organization.



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Based on materials from TASS