Russian Health Ministry Specialists Examine Over 760 Evacuated Russians from Gaza Strip

27 November 2023

Health specialists from the Ministry of Health of Russia have conducted examinations on more than 760 people who were evacuated from the Gaza Strip over a two-week period. This information was reported by the press service of the ministry.


"Since November 13, 2023, a medical team from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, along with specialists from the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine, has conducted examinations on 761 evacuees. This includes 361 children, including 12 infants. During the examinations, various diseases were identified, including 41 cases of acute pathologies and 51 cases of exacerbated chronic diseases," states the report.


Furthermore, doctors identified two cases of injuries resulting from mine blasts among the evacuated individuals. The patients were appropriately treated, bandaged, and provided with the necessary medical assistance, as specified by the ministry.


"Additionally, 10 pregnant women at various stages of pregnancy, ranging from 6 to 36 weeks, underwent examination. An infectious disease doctor identified 18 cases of acute respiratory viral infections. In all instances, both evacuees and their relatives underwent rapid tests for COVID-19, as well as influenza types A and B," stated the press service.



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Photo: Online Marketing/Unsplash

Based on materials from TASS