Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: changing the status of the Golan bypassing the Security Council is a direct violation of UN decisions

22 March 2019


Сhanging the status of the Golan Heights bypassing the Security Council is a direct violation of the UN decisions. On this, commenting on the statement of US President Donald Trump’s intention to recognize the Golan as part of Israel, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova said.



«The Russian Federation, as you know, takes a principled position on the issue of the ownership of the Golan Heights to the Syrian Arab Republic. This is confirmed by 1981 resolution 497 of the UN Security Council. Our assessment of the unlawful nature of the Israeli decision to extend its sovereignty to the Golan Heights, adopted as the main law in 1981, remains unchanged», the diplomat noted in particular. Recall the Golan Heights until 1967 were part of Syria.



During the Six Day War, Israeli troops occupied this territory. The ownership of the Golan remains the main subject of the Israeli-Syrian conflict.