Valeria Porokhova, a Russian professional translator and Muslim public figure, the author of the semantic translation of the Quran into Russian, died at the age of 79.
There is no exact information on the date and place of her death.
Valeria Porokhova was a professional English simultaneous interpreter.
In 1985, Porokhova moved from Moscow to Damascus with her spouse and converted to Islam.
She was a member of a number of public academies-a full member of the Academy of Humanities (since 1996), a board member of the Eurasian Academy of Arts (since 1996), a full member of the International Academy of Informatization, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) (section of geopolitics and security, 1999). Porokhova also received the title of Honorary Professor of the Eurasian National University.
GSV "Russia - Islamic World"
Photo: Нетелев Роберт/Фотохроника ТАСС