Slutsky: Islamic Nations Crucial in Shaping a Multipolar World

16 May

Leonid Slutsky, leader of the LDPR faction in the State Duma, delivered remarks at the plenary session of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World," convened as part of the XV International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum-2024." He underscored the significance of Russia's ties with Islamic nations.


"The relationship between Russia and the Islamic world constitutes a pivotal pathway towards a multipolar world founded on international law and the principles of the United Nations, universally acknowledged by member states since the mid-20th century. Collaboration between the Russian Federation and OIC member states is burgeoning annually, countering the policy of double standards and coercion perpetuated by those advocating for the preservation of a unipolar world. Such detrimental approaches have irreversibly crossed a threshold. Today, only a multipolar world is viable, wherein every nation, people, religion, culture, and national language has the potential to emerge as a distinct pole of influence, fostering the diverse architectural landscape of the 21st-century multipolar world," emphasized the speaker.


"The Islamic world represents a critical strategic component in shaping a multipolar world, steering away from perilous trajectories that certain factions in the West endeavor to entangle us in. We are redirecting global civilization towards sustainable development, and the significance of Islam in this constructive endeavor cannot be overstated. In the revised framework of Russia's foreign policy, President Vladimir Putin designated relations with the Islamic world as a distinct focus in March 2023. The nations comprising the friendly Islamic civilization have evolved into sought-after partners of Russia across security, stability, economy, and various other spheres," he added.


Slutsky highlighted the significance of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia-Islamic World",  describing it as a strategic platform facilitating state and public exchange of ideas and projects aimed at expanding cooperation with Muslim nations.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Federation Council