Tehran says it will not tolerate Iraq becoming a source of Israeli threats

14 March 2022


The Iranian authorities will not allow Iraq to become a source of threats and hostile actions by Israel for the Islamic republic. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said this at a press conference Monday.

"It is totally unacceptable that one of our neighbors, with whom we closely cooperate, should be a hotbed of threats to Iran," he said. - "Israel has repeatedly posed security threats from Iraqi territory." The diplomat also noted that "there are a number of anti-revolutionary terrorist groups operating in the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan."



According to him, "Iran will not allow a hotbed of conspiracies and sabotage to exist near its borders." "The Iranian side is waiting for the central government in Iraq to put an end to such a situation once and for all and not let it use its borders," Khatibzadeh noted. - "Israel must know that we have accurate information about its points of presence."

On Sunday night, the Iraqi city of Erbil was hit by an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, an elite Iranian military unit) rocket attack near the US Consulate General. According to the Iranian side, the attack was a response to the aggressive actions of the Israeli Armed Forces. The targets were the facilities of the Israeli intelligence service "Mossad" in Iraq. The Iraqi Kurdish authorities have denied that there are Israeli intelligence centers in Erbil Province.

On March 8 the IRIB Broadcasting Corporation reported that two IRGC officers had been killed in an Israeli strike near Damascus.



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Photo: Twitter/@SKhatibzadeh

Based on materials from TASS