The GSV leadership expressed condolences over the death of Yaşar Yakiş

03 July

The Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World” mourns the death of Yakış Yaşar, an outstanding politician and diplomat who stood at the origins of the Group's creation.


Yakış Yaşar, who joined the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1962, served in the embassies of Belgium, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, including as an ambassador.


In 2001, Yaşar Yakış became one of the founders and deputy chairman for foreign affairs of the Justice and Development Party of Turkey.


In 2003, he became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey. As Minister, Yakış participated in the Convention on the Elaboration of a Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe.


He passed away on June 26, 2024, at the age of 85.


The Group of Strategic Vision publishes the text of condolences addressed to the family and friends of Yakış Yaşar.


Text of condolences:


To Ms. Margret Yakiş,
To the family and friends
Mr. Yaşar Yakiş


It was with deep sorrow that we learned of the death of the respected patriarch, member of the Strategic Vision Group Mr. Yaşar Yakiş. On behalf of the Strategic Vision Group "Russia - Islamic World" and on my behalf, please accept condolences, words of support and sympathy in connection with the grief that has befallen you.

Mr. Yaşar Yakiş dedicated his life to serving his country. His active position, activities in many responsible government posts deserve the highest respect and reverence. With his participation as a member of the Strategic Vision Group "Russia - Islamic World", he made a significant contribution to strengthening relations between Russia and Turkey, as well as with the countries of the Islamic world.
The good memory of this remarkable man and true patriot of his country will forever remain in the hearts of his loved ones, friends, and students.

I pray to Almighty Allah to accept his soul, forgive him, accept all his good deeds and lead him to Paradise on the Day of Judgment. We share the pain of loss with the family, relatives and friends of the deceased.

“Indeed, we are all from Allah and to Him is our return.” (Holy Quran, 2:156).



Deputy Chairman of the Strategic Vision Group «Russia - Islamic World»

F.M. Mukhametshin