The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation demanded an apology from the American media for anti-Russian propaganda

27 March 2019

The American media should apologize for groundlessly accused Russia of interfering with the US presidential election in 2016 for two years. About this, speaking in the program “60 minutes” on the TV channel “Russia-1”, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova said.


“We are now talking about a brigade of propagandists, about journalists, who pretend to be journalists, so now they all need to apologize”, she noted, in particular.


At the same time, according to Zakharova, Russia intends to analyze propaganda quotes and clippings from programs, in which the audience was convinced of Trump’s relations with Russia, and then initiate an international trial on this issue, including in the OSCE.


Let’s remind, on March 24th in the USA the report of Special Prosecutor Robert Muller was submitted, which states that there is no collusion between Moscow and the Trump election headquarters.