Russian MFA: the "deal of the century" should take into account the two-state principle

27 June 2019

Any initiative for peace in the Middle East must support the two-state principle of the Palestinian-Israeli settlement, as it is mentioned in the commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.



"We strongly believe that any initiative to achieve lasting and just peace in the Middle East should contain clear support for the two-state principle of the Palestinian-Israeli settlement. Sustainable normalization can be achieved only when politics and economics go hand in hand but not replace each other", the Ministry highlighted.



As we have informed, a two-day workshop ended in Bahrain. It was aimed to discuss the economic part of President Donald Trump's proposal for solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict dubbed the "deal of the century".



The Palestinian leadership boycotted the event, considering it as an attempt to bribe them.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"