UN Deputy Secretary-General told about 240 Russian children remaining in Syria

06 July 2020

About 240 Russian children may still be in Syria, and work is underway to return 70 of them, the UN Deputy Secretary-General, head of the counter-terrorism department Vladimir Voronkov told an exclusive interview with TASS.

"Ms. [Children's Rights Commissioner for the President of the Russian Federation Anna] Kuznetsova informed me about preparations for the repatriation of another group of 70 Russian children in addition to those who returned earlier," said Voronkov. "According to various estimates, up to 240 Russian children may still be in Syria," he added.

"I highly appreciate the efforts of the Russian Federation to repatriate children, which are coordinated by the Commissioner for children's rights," the head of the UN office continued. He stressed that "it is the duty of the state to take care of its citizens, especially children who are in trouble."

At the same time, Voronkov expressed regret that "political and security issues, along with practical restrictions such as travel bans and quarantine measures, create additional problems for repatriation."

On June 25, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that the export of Russian children who went to Syria during the armed conflict might resume after the lifting of the quarantine due to the pandemic.


GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: florentiabuckingham / Pixabay