NATO's possible plan to place refugees from Afghanistan in Central Asian countries could turn into a disaster for European countries, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Wednesday in her Telegram channel. That's how the diplomat commented on the publication of the Diplomatic source Telegram channel, which reported, citing the media, that European countries offered "money and resources" to Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan if these countries agree to open their borders for refugees from Afghanistan.
"Now that's a real plan-catastrophe if the nato's push to open Afghanistan's borders to neighboring countries. It would be a disaster for Europe. They don't seem to realize it yet," she said.
The radical movement Taliban (banned in the Russian Federation) started a large-scale operation to establish control over Afghanistan after the decision of the United States to withdraw its forces from the country declared in spring. On August 15, president of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani resigned and left the country and the Taliban entered Kabul without a fight. US troops last week completely abandoned Afghanistan, ending their 20-year presence in the country.
At an emergency EU Council meeting in Brussels on August 31 at the level of interior ministers, it was decided not to allow a repeat of the 2015-2016 migration crisis, when more than a million illegal migrants arrived in the EU. The ministers said that the EU intends to prevent mass migration from Afghanistan to Europe. At the same time, as it became known on September 7, the White House requested from the US Congress more than $30 billion for a number of needs, including reconstruction work after natural disasters and the resettlement of Afghan refugees.
GSV "Russia - Islamic World"
Photo: Press Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry / TASS
Based on materials from TASS