Zakharova: West uses same methods in Afghanistan instead of admitting its mistakes

24 September 2021

Instead of admitting their mistakes in Afghanistan, Western countries keep using the same methods and "playing up old mistakes in new places", Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"Sometimes you just have to admit you were wrong and finally draw conclusions from your mistakes, instead of playing up old mistakes in new places," she wrote in her Telegram channel on Thursday.

Zakharova said that while some countries have begun to work with the Taliban (banned in Russia), Western forces are in a typical "stage of denial of reality". Zakharova gave the example of US Senator Lindsey Graham, who "engaged in the establishment of diplomatic relations between the anti-Taliban forces of the Panjshir Gorge and regional powers". She pointed out that the US Department of justice "under the local foreign agents act" had published information about the contracts of influential US lobbyist Robert Strick with Taliban resistance leader Ahmad Masood.

"But it was the Germans who made the move. Deutsche Welle, funded by the German state budget, began broadcasting on shortwave to listeners in Afghanistan in Pashto and Dari. The stated aim: to pay attention to peacekeeping, civil society, gender and human rights issues in the programs. And we know what is usually behind the goals of "maintaining civil society and universal values"," Zakharova said.

"In 20 years of direct communication with Afghans, Western values have failed to be instilled, apparently, now they will be broadcast remotely," concluded the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS