Around 87,000 Children Vaccinated Against Polio in Gaza on First Day of Campaign

03 September

On the first day of a vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip, approximately 87,000 children were vaccinated against polio by international humanitarian organization workers, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories.


The campaign is being carried out by around 2,200 healthcare workers at 392 stationary vaccination points, with nearly 300 mobile teams also deployed. The goal is to vaccinate a total of 640,000 children under the age of 10 during each of the two planned rounds of vaccination.


The World Health Organization previously reported the delivery of 1.26 million doses of polio vaccine to Gaza, with an additional 400,000 doses expected to arrive soon. More than 640,000 children under 10 years old are slated to receive the vaccine.


This campaign follows the announcement by the Palestinian Health Ministry on August 16 of the first confirmed case of polio in the central Gaza Strip. The case involved a 10-month-old child in Deir al-Balah who had not received any polio vaccinations. The diagnosis was confirmed through laboratory tests conducted in Amman.



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Photo: Bao_5/Pixabay

Based on materials from TASS