DNR Organizes Prayer Rooms for Muslims Along Contact Line

07 March 2024

The Religious Board of Muslims (RBM) of the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) has arranged prayer rooms along the entire line of contact in the region, as announced by the chairman of the DNR RBM, Rashid Bragin, at a press conference marking the start of the month of Ramadan.


"We pray and make dua for the preservation of peace in our land, for the safety and health of our soldiers who are on the line of contact. We also prepare them for a worthy celebration of our holiday. We have organized prayer rooms along the entire line of contact, especially in hard-to-reach places. Our imams are constantly traveling, conducting rituals, and in this holy month of Ramadan, we will, of course, attend these events as much as possible that will take place on the line of contact," Bragin stated.


He also mentioned that the RBM has established cooperation with the deputy commanders of military units, who, if possible, release soldiers to conduct namaz and Friday prayers.


Bragin highlighted that preparations for the main religious holiday of Muslims in the region are underway, with festive meals - iftar - being organized in all Muslim communities of the republic, adhering to security measures.


"Of course, we simply do not have the opportunity to hold such iftars as are held in the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation in such volume and in such quantities... for security reasons, because unfortunately, copters are still flying. The possibility of mines and shells coming in cannot be ruled out, so we are trying to protect our brothers and sisters and are taking all measures for safety and for the worthy celebration of our month [of Ramadan]," Bragin emphasized.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: Süleyman Karakaş/Pixabay

Based on materials from TASS