Gainutdin: "We Hope for Interfaith Peace in Tatarstan to Inspire the World"

16 May 2024

Ravil Gainutdin, Head of the Religious Board of Muslims of Russia, addressed the plenary session of the Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World," held as part of the XV International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum-2024."


The religious leader highlighted the significance of hosting such significant international events in the capital of Tatarstan.


"Visitors to Kazan are always struck by the harmonious coexistence of mosques alongside Christian Orthodox churches, synagogues, Old Believer Catholic and Protestant churches on its streets. This unique atmosphere of interfaith harmony in Tatarstan sets a high standard of friendship among representatives of different religions and ethnicities for the entire multinational Russia. As founders and initiators of the Group of Strategic Vision 'Russia - Islamic World,' we earnestly hope that this example will be embraced by nations worldwide. Unfortunately, in practice, we witness how politicians in some parts of the world stray from peace and fervently seek to disrupt interfaith harmony not only within their own borders but also across entire regions of the globe," remarked Gainutdin.


He specifically addressed the situation in the Middle East, particularly the longstanding strife in Palestine. "This land holds sacred significance for adherents of various world religions. Despite numerous proposals from politicians and public figures for resolving the conflict, we observe the party of war in power in Israel systematically perpetrating acts of genocide against the Palestinian people. Various states, including Russia and Islamic nations, endeavor to halt the systematic obliteration of an entire populace. On May 10 this year, the UN General Assembly bolstered Palestine's rights within the international community and once again proposed to the Security Council to consider positively Palestine's full membership in the UN. The resolution garnered the support of 143 countries."


"And we are well aware of those who routinely veto such decisions in the Security Council, callously disregarding the opinions of numerous nations across the globe," Gainutdin added.


He highlighted the historical tradition of interfaith harmony in the Middle East region, emphasizing that Russia has never pursued a colonial agenda in the region. "Moscow extends invitations to leaders of Middle Eastern states at various levels to jointly counter provocations, fostering an environment conducive to lasting peace and security in the region. President Vladimir Putin has emphasized Russia's amicable relations with Muslim nations, valuing their pursuit of independent foreign policies and heightened role in international affairs. It is heartening to witness new world and regional capitals stepping forward to assert themselves as pillars of the emerging multipolar world order, with Islamic nations playing a pivotal role among them. The Russian leadership and our diverse society, guided by principles of mutual respect and equal opportunities, acknowledge and respect the right of Islamic nations to chart their own developmental path, consistently endeavoring to build bridges that unite our nations and peoples," emphasized the head of the Religios Board of Muslims of Russia.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the Rais RT