Hamas Condemns US and UK Aggression in Yemen, Holds Them Responsible for Regional Consequences

12 January 2024

In a statement published on its Telegram channel, the Palestinian movement Hamas strongly condemns the joint American-British operation in Yemen, characterizing it as a violation of the Arab republic's sovereignty. Hamas holds Washington and London accountable for the potential repercussions on regional security.

"We strongly condemn the blatant American-British aggression against Yemen. We hold them responsible for its consequences on the security of the region," warned the Palestinian movement.


The statement emphasizes Hamas's appreciation for "the supportive stance of brotherly Yemen and its heroic people."


"We reaffirm that the region will not witness security and stability without ending the Zionist occupation of Palestinian and Arab lands. This requires Washington and London to revise their colonial policies out of respect for the sovereignty of states and the interests of Arab peoples," asserted Hamas in its statement.



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Photo: Brian Harrington Spier/Creative Commons 2.0

Based on materials from TASS