Lavrov: Central Asian Countries Outraged by Western Attempts to Subjugate Them

21 May

Central Asian countries are outraged by the collective West's unceremonious attempts to force them to comply with European rules, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated to reporters after a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Foreign Ministers' Council.


"The West is not offering equal and mutually beneficial cooperation, but is trying to subjugate all processes [in the Eurasian region], threatening and demanding that [Central Asian countries] report on how they fulfill the secondary sanctions," - Lavrov pointed out. - "Our colleagues have expressed indignation at such cavalier behavior and outright impudence in their conversations with me."


Lavrov emphasized that Russia has never opposed the creation of communication formats like "Central Asia +," but in the case of the United States and the European Union, these mechanisms are being used to "intrude into all spheres of life organization" in Central Asian countries.


He expressed confidence that the West's attempts to "pull the East under itself" would not succeed. To counter the influence of the United States and its allies, Lavrov urged the countries of the Eurasian continent and organizations such as the SCO to "take development and governance into their own hands and establish their own orders."



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Based on materials from TASS