Mali Cuts Diplomatic Relations with Ukraine

05 August

Malian authorities have announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Ukraine in response to Kiev's support for armed terrorist groups operating in Mali. This decision was detailed in a communiqué from the Malian government, as reported by the aBamako news and analysis website.


The communiqué expresses the Malian government's astonishment at comments made by Andriy Yusov, a representative of Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate. Yusov suggested Ukraine's involvement in an attack by armed terrorist groups against Mali's Defense and Security Forces in late July near Tinzaouaten, in northeastern Mali close to the Algerian border.


The Malian government also criticized statements from Yuri Pivovarov, Ukraine’s ambassador to Senegal, "who displayed his country's unequivocal support for international terrorism, particularly in Mali."



“These grave allegations, which have not been denied or condemned by Ukrainian authorities, indicate a clear official endorsement of terrorism by the Ukrainian government in Africa, specifically in the Sahel region and Mali. After a thorough review, the Transitional Government of the Republic of Mali asserts that the actions of Ukrainian authorities undermine Mali's sovereignty and constitute aggression and support for international terrorism, in direct violation of international law and the UN Charter,” the communiqué stated.


The Malian transitional government “strongly condemns this aggression by Ukraine and the hostile stance of Ukrainian authorities, which contradicts Mali's neutral position that has consistently called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine.”


In light of Ukraine's alleged involvement in these actions against Mali, the African country’s transitional government has decided to “immediately sever diplomatic relations between the Republic of Mali and Ukraine.”



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Photo: Marko Bukorovic/Pixabay

Based on materials from TASS