MFA: Russia calls on the parties to the Libyan conflict to a ceasefire

29 April 2020

Moscow calls on the parties to the Libyan conflict to immediately cease-fire and resume dialogue under the auspices of the UN, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova comments. 

The diplomat recalled that in his TV address to the nation, Head of the Libyan Parliament Aguila Saleh called for suspending hostilities for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. 

"We note that this address contains a number of constructive proposals on leading Libya out of its lingering military and political crisis.  Among them are proposals to establish unified bodies of authority while following the proportional geographic representation of the country’s three historical regions, drafting a new constitution and holding presidential and parliamentary elections under it. We believe that the ideas voiced by the President of the Libyan House of Representatives could lay a foundation for political discussions within the process for a comprehensive settlement in Libya," the statement reads.

The commentary also notes that the latest statements by the commander of the Libyan National Army Khalifa Haftar remained tough and were hardline in nature. 

Thus, he reaffirmed his commitment to continue the military operation, launched over a year ago, “to the bitter end” and “to liberate Tripoli and all of Libya from the terrorists.” He also announced a transition to military rule in the country.

"We are confident that the continuation of this fratricidal feud is fraught with disastrous consequences for Libya and its long-suffering people. We call on all the parties to the conflict to show responsibility for their homeland, immediately stop hostilities and resume the dialogue under UN auspices - along all the three settlement tracks – military, political and economic – in accordance with the decisions of the International Berlin Conference and endorsed in UNSC Resolution 2510.

Yesterday, Haftar announced the withdrawal from the political agreement, which resulted in the formation of the Government of National Accord. He said that the government of the country was being transferred to the army.


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Photo: Mikhail Tereshchenko / TASS