Radiy Khabirov: the potential of Islam should be used to educate the younger generation

29 November 2019

The potential of Islam should be used to educate the younger generation, its high moral principles, diligence, respect for elders and love for the Fatherland, Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov said today at the V meeting of the Group of Strategic Vision  "Russia – Islamic world", which takes place in Ufa.

According to him, Bashkortostan, along with Tatarstan and other national regions of Russia, is an example of interethnic and interfaith harmony.

"More than 300 years ago, Catherine the Great chose Ufa as the official center of Russian Islam," the head of the Republic reminded.
And now, as Khabirov noted, the Religious Board of the Republic is doing a lot for the development of culture, education, as well as protection from extremism and unification of co-religionists.

The topic of this year's meeting of the GSV, chaired by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, is " Interfaith harmony:   the experience of Russia and member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)".

The event is timed to the 50th anniversary of the Organization, as well as to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding Russian political and public figure, one of the founders of the GSV "Russia – Islamic world" - Yevgeny Primakov.


GSV "Russia - Islamic World"